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InEd is coming together to forge our vision in the evolution of education

Here are some facts:

52% of parents indicate they prefer to direct and curate their child’s education rather than rely on their local school system.


"What exactly does my child need to flourish?"

“Choice” is a privilege. Many parents—especially those from underserved backgrounds—make educational decisions based on core needs (e.g., cost, convenience, safety). Nevertheless, when asked to imagine the future—unrestricted by time and resources—parents’ report aspirations for a more student-centric education. This underscores the importance of solving for parents’ core needs; only then can all families elect to pursue educational experiences in line with their values and needs. Policies that make alternative school models and out-of-school learning more affordable and convenient (e.g., ESAs, charters, scholarships) are critical to catalyze a more equitable and student-centric K-12 ecosystem.

79% of parents believe learning can and should happen everywhere, not just in-school.

More than 70% of parents are interested in new in- and out-of-school programs.

Despite this interest, only 1 in 4 parents have sufficient knowledge to act.


Providing families with clear and easily accessible information is critical to catalyze parents’ broad aspirations into action.

Most of these families—while open-minded—report limited ability to pursue new offerings consistent with their values and needs.

Supply is Limited.


Among suppliers we spoke with, more than 80% report demand is meeting or exceeding expectations; in turn, they are hyper-focused on increasing capacity to serve more learners.

When asked how they measure the effectiveness of an educational program, parents report that they value their child’s happiness more than any other outcome.

This highlights the need for K-12 stakeholders to integrate experiences that can spark passion and joy. 

Gaps in participation across nearly all out-of-school programs relative to income and race. For example, children from underserved backgrounds are nearly two times less likely to participate in learning outside of school than their peers.

Within this context, our Innovative Educators are asking themselves:

How can our K-12 education system deliver a more credible union between academic growth,
extracurricular passion, and personal fulfillment?


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